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Writer's pictureTiffany A Underwood

Giving Birth Upright, Know Your Options!

When you think about giving birth what comes to mind? If you're thinking like the majority of the population, you think about laying flat on your back and pushing until the baby comes out. Right? What if I told you that there were other options? What if I told you that you had the right to choose how you gave birth? This isn't a conversation that is had between providers and pregnant patients often, so let's talk about birthing options and how they can benefit women during labor.

Now before I start, I'm not knocking anyone who's given birth laying down or in the supine position. As long as you and your baby are safe and the delivery went well that's what matters. However, I do think that we should all be informed, we should be given the option to decide how we give birth, and we should learn about the benefits that other positions can have for us during labor.

Giving birth upright has been known to benefit women in many ways. An upright position is said to go along with the body's natural physiology. It can help the uterus contract more efficiently, it can help the baby get into a better position for delivery, decrease the need for interventions, and it can also help with flexibility in the pelvis. So what positions can be beneficial?


Besides helping you feel more in control, this position can help get things moving with some help from gravity. This position also can reduce the length of the first and second stage of labor, decrease blood loss, help lessen the pain or discomfort felt, and open the pelvic outlet as mentioned before. This is a position that can help you relax more and increase your overall birthing experience.

Kneeling on all fours

This position can help women that are dealing with increased back pain and it can also come in handy for women that are having "back labor". This is another position that can help open the pelvis making labor easier for both the mom and baby. This is a position that offers the laboring mom the option to move around if need be. This position allows a massage to be given if needed as well. This is when your partner or doula can step in to help give assistance with that massage.


This position can be done in several different ways. You can stand up facing the chair, you can stand to the side with one leg on a chair, or you can have your partner or doula hold the chair while you lunge to help you with balance. This helps open the pelvis as well. This is a position that can be helpful if/when labor stalls.

The question has been asked, why are many healthcare professionals hesitant to

address these position options with their patients? Several theories have come up as to why, such as laying on your back being the way it's been done for a long time so why change it? Why offer something different? My goal is to educate and inform women that you do have options. If there is a way to create a better, safer birth experience, then why not? Always know that you have the right to labor how you see fit. Talk with your provider about these options. Until next time, sending you peace, love, and light.

Tiffany Underwood

Certified Birth and Postpartum Doula

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